
i just want you to come with me; we're on another mentality.

about me

my name is alchemist
i'm 18, agender (they/them)
cat person, eclectic witch, furry, alienkin, tulpamancer, whammy enthusiast

names i go/have gone by:

milo (ok to use but i prefer ska)
felis moondust (please only call me this if you are a wiccan/witch)


star wars
star trek
sonic the hedgehog (archie)


marina and the diamonds
escape the fate
studio killers
nothing more

favorite things

color; blue
animal; cat
show; fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
planet; mars
words; melancholy, somber
mythical creature; mermaid

likes & dislikes


open mindedness
the moon

big dogs
loud noises
rude people
close mindedness
hot weather

my comfort characters

steve rogers / captain america // marvel
bucky barnes / the winter soldier // marvel
loki // marvel
kylo ren / ben solo // star wars
poe dameron // star wars
cicero // skyrim
spock // star trek

my tulpas

form: white elf, green & blue heterochromatic eyes, 6'7
body age: 28
true age: 6 months
My name is Fenrir. I'm rather shy, so I probably won't talk to anyone new right away. Both Milo and I need to get to know and trust someone before I will switch around them. If you happen to message Milo while I'm fronting, it's likely I won't respond.
I like cats, candles and tea! My favorite colors are dark green and yellow and my favorite Xanje pet is the galactic hound. My Xanje playertag is "fenrir_" and the username will likely be some variant of that.

form: ever changing
body age: //
true age: 4 months, but 3 weeks sentient.
i'm hansel, i'm a personification of sorts of pieces of space. my form changes a lot, sometimes at my own will, and sometimes not. i do not know what to say, as i usually don't front. i mostly assist milo with meditation, anxiety, and overall calming him down in headspace. although we all seem to do that i suppose.
i don't have a bodily age, because my body isn't humanoid or something that can even be given an age. i'm just the middle child here.
things i like are the moon, jupiter and beaches. the ocean interests me almost as much as space.

form: a human female with moth wings, and antennae. she really resembles a poodle moth in a way. her hair resembles clouds, and isn't actually hair at all
body age: 20
true age: 1 month sentient, but has existed for longer. we don't know how long.
Hello! My name is Moth :) I don't front as often as Fenrir but I'm, for the most part, a heavily relied on emotional support crutch for Milo. We all are, but I'm there to calm him down when he's incredibly angry, or having an anxiety attack. I remember being created in one of his dream's, actually. I have always been here, I don't remember anything before actually being forced and developed with but I've been here, whether I could talk to my host or not, for a very long time.

before you interact

i have anxiety in talking to people i don't know, so i may not reply right away or i won't sound as enthusiastic as i would if i were talking to someone i knew

what's okay:

talking about pets (xanje)
discussing fandoms/favorite characters
showing me pictures of your cats
asking about my practice, or my tulpas
asking about my otherkinity, kintype, and connecting with me based on that
general friendly talk

what's not ok:

asking to roleplay when i don't know you
asking to speak directly to my tulpas/to switch
being directly antikin towards me
asking for personal information
being flat out rude?
harassing me
invalidating me

you are homophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, a TERF, neo-nazi, or a generally negative person.
Do not contact me if we have had a "falling out" or if I've told you directly not to speak to me. If I've cut you off, I did it for a reason.